I am amazed at how quickly I am picking up on the material, specifically building a web page. I have needed repetition and some practice, but I have been able to adapt my draft and update it into something I would like others to see. I even made mistakes and understand why they happened, later on when not working in the system, which was cool because I know I’ve internalized the experience. I was able to ask questions, and know future questions will be answered, in a very timely and constructive way.
I look forward to experimenting with my website and personalizing it to reflect a professional persona. I am inspired by the examples we were given, but more than that I know I can investigate examples on my own and incorporate them, and what I like elsewhere, into my own work.
The next step, even before I fully complete my own web page, is to share it with others in the PhD program. I want to let them know what I have learned and become a teacher, at least a little, so the skills and knowledge I have continues to spread throughout my immediate intellectual community. Shouldn’t that be one of the goals of this course? Sure, I’ll use what I create with students, and hope to teach them how to use this information too, but the more people I can share this with then the more students will learn by extension.
I think the initial transition from “darkness to light” is quite dramatic. I’m glad you’re feeling enthusiastic. It’s work but also very rewarding.